Creativity Coaching

Creativity coaching can offer the support, guidance and a sense of permission to create that may be missing in our life. It can open to door to the deep sense of satisfaction that comes from expressing ourselves creatively or it can help us get moving if we find ourselves feeling stuck or blocked along our creative path.

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creativity coaching

Nothing is more satisfying to the human soul than creating something new. . . - Irene Claremont de Castillejo

Do you feel stuck and in need of support in order to show up more fully to your creative work? Are you already engaged in a creative project and procrastinating in finishing it? Do you think your not creative but long to reclaim the satisfaction of creative play you knew as a child?

Creativity has long been a part of my life. I was fortunate to have had a father who valued literature and the arts and supported my interest in those areas. I'm sure that's part of what allowed me to develop as a writer. As a creativity coach I found most people didn't have that kind of support when they were young and our school systems, with their focus on conformity, tend to stifle creativity. Even if you don’t think you are creative your gifts are alive just below the surface. With support and encouragement you can reclaim our creative self.

In my twenty five years of teaching and coaching I've found that is always true. I've never worked with a client where I wondered "what are they doing here". Instead I wonder, "what took them so long." Creativity is a high energy, expansive state that gives you access to new ways of a looking at a problem and finding solutions. The ability to engage your creative self can help you in every area of your life. Each one of us expresses our unique creative self through a variety of possibilities: writing, painting, dance, music, gardening, cooking, creative problem solving, inventing, mechanics or whatever area we want to bring as expanded way of thinking and being to.

With creativity coaching you will:

Learn practical, emotional and soulful ways to help you fully uncover your gifts and support yourself in expressing and expanding them. Find encouragement and unconditional support. Gain an understanding of the creative process and its stages. Learn ways to access the wisdom and insights of your imagination. Discover how to set realistic goals and support yourself in achieving them. Take away tools to coach yourself through the issues and blocks that get in the way of your creativity including career concerns, limiting beliefs, relationship issues and the questions that can arise from wanting and needing to create. Work with exercises that help you gain clarity and expand your creative expression. Learn to play and have fun with the process.

As a creativity coach who has engaged my own creative expression through a variety of forms for most of my life, I really enjoy helping others awaken to the same joy and pleasure that being creative brings. I can help you discover your creative gifts and express them as you learn to tap the flow of inspiration and imagination. For individuals who already have a creative practice but may feel stuck or uninspired, I can help you reignite the creative spark and expand the possibilities for your creative self.

Suzanne's superb leadership, inspiration and open-heartedness helped me, in a very short amount of time, rekindle my confidence in my creative self. - Francine Krause

Everybody in Suzanne's creativity coaching program had an amazing experience. Suzanne is fabulous at helping you get in touch with who you are and where you want to go. - J. Tucker

Suzanne is more than an excellent coach. She is an inspiration. Her coaching provides not only valuable information, but offer a journey into the joyous heart of the creative process. - J. Cagan

Coaching is available by phone or Skype with online support. We can tailor our work to fit your specific needs. I offer a range of possibilities from a one hour session to comprehensive ongoing coaching. I provide essential information and insights on the creative process, and support in helping you get started or carry through with a work in progress. We can work through any resistance or problems along the way and I hold the space of unconditional acceptance and support to nurture your unique creative self.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain